For concerns related to sex/sexuality, low sexual desire, sexual communication, sex addiction, porn addiction, erectile concerns, performance anxiety, and more.
Only You Can Own Your Sexuality. Let's Tackle the Challenges Preventing You From Enjoying Full Sexual Health and Freedom.
Liberate Via Therapy is a sex therapy practice based in Tracy, California. There's nothing you can't discuss in our sex-positive, affirming therapy sessions! Book a free 15-minute consultation today. This service is only offered by Jose Pinal, LMFT, CST.
Jose Pinal is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist specializing in the topics of sexual dysfunction, performance anxiety, low sexual desire, porn addiction, and the shame and guilt that make it difficult to enjoy sexual communication with yourself and others.
As a BIPOC sex therapist, I'm able to help you address sexual issues in a nonjudgmental, gender-affirming, and kink-friendly setting. While many of my clients are seeking relationship therapy with their partners, I also offer individual therapy for all topics related to sexual health and relationships.
If you're dealing with a tense situation that involves infidelity or betrayal, it's important to know that a sex therapist's role isn't to "take sides." Your actions and behaviors won't be on trial during a therapy session. This is a place to speak freely with the goal of processing the behaviors and attitudes that have led you to a point of feeling frustrated or unhappy in your relationship.
Your sexuality isn't something that you should feel you need to compartmentalize. I'll help you integrate your sexuality into who you are to help you enjoy the freedom and satisfaction you were meant to have!
Intimacy, vulnerability, and pleasure are all words that can make a person who is struggling with their sexual-emotional health feel uncomfortable. Being unable to trust a partner can make it impossible to enjoy meaningful, satisfying relationships. In therapy, we explore ways of increasing communication as a means for increasing satisfaction.
What Is Sex Therapy? How Can Seeing a Sex Therapist Help Me?
Many people assume that their sexual issues can only be solved in the bedroom because that's where they manifest. In reality, our frustrations, embarrassments, and inability to feel free in our sexuality have deep origins outside of the bedroom. Sex therapy is the process of addressing topics related to sexuality and sex while working with a mental health specialist. While the focus is on sexual health and relationship dynamics, sex therapy also addresses depression, anxiety, and other aspects of mental health to uncover how they are impacting sexual function.
Rest assured that sex therapy is truly "whole person" therapy at its core because sexuality is deeply intertwined with your identity. In fact, many people who are able to address deeply entrenched negative beliefs about sexuality find that they are simply happier, healthier, and more comfortable in their own skin after exploring their mental and emotional health through the sex-therapy lens.
It Might Be Time to Consider Sex Therapy If You're Struggling in These Areas:
● You feel sexually inadequate. If you're struggling with erectile dysfunction, you might be constantly wondering if you're good enough, when you will be able to have an erection, and if you'll be able to maintain your erection during sex.
● You have trouble communicating your sexual needs and desires.
● You have intense shame and guilt around the topic of sex.
● You are looking for a safe, kink affirming space to discuss kink/BDSM dynamics, sexual preference, gender identity, and other topics.
● You feel sexually incompatible with your partner. While you deeply love each other, you've found that you have mismatched sexual desire.
● You are in a relationship where one partner withholds intimacy.
● You are in a relationship that isn't sexually satisfying.
● You are struggling to take steps toward realizing your sexuality because you grew up in a sexually repressive household.
● You are struggling to reconcile your kink with the current power dynamic you share with your partner.
● You feel shame and confusion because you've engaged in infidelity.
● You have been hiding your true sexuality or sexual attraction from your partner.
● You're exhibiting out of control sexual behavior that doesn't make you feel good. You may feel that you are not in control of making your own sexual decisions. You may also be approaching sex compulsively.
● You suffer from sex addiction.
● Porn addiction is ruining your ability to enjoy sex, connect with a partner, or live your life.
In many cases, a person suffering with their sexual-emotional health is actually dealing with several overlapping points from this list at once. This is perfectly normal. In fact, it doesn't mean that you are "beyond help" in any way, shape, or form! If any of these issues are keeping you from feeling free in your sexuality, it may be time to speak with a sex therapist. What if you don't see a specific topic that applies to you on this list? I'm happy to help you process and work through any topic related to sexuality and relationships!
What Should I Expect When Visiting a Sex Therapist for the First Time?
All I ask of my clients is that they bring an open mindset! As a first gen Latinx sex therapist, I understand how limiting conventional therapy can be for clients as they explore all of the unexplored parts of their sexuality that are causing stress, isolation, confusion, or dissatisfaction. That's why I offer individualized therapy designed to make you feel comfortable, acknowledged, and in control. I want to stress to my clients that they have full control over every session. That means that it's always fine to simply say that you're not comfortable talking about a specific topic. You're also completely free to refuse to answer any question that you don't want to answer.
As we progress in the therapy process, we'll discover how your thoughts, beliefs, values, and experiences surrounding sex have contributed to your conscious and subconscious views about your own sexuality. In this safe space, unlearning is every bit as important as learning.
What does unlearning look like in a therapeutic setting? During your sessions, we'll work together to help you unlearn any of the harmful thoughts, beliefs, and messaging that surround your sexuality, sexual lifestyle, self-view, and approach to relationships. Most people have a chorus of negative messaging tied to sexuality bouncing around their brains. These messages impact your ability to enjoy sex, be in touch with your authentic sexuality, and connect with others sexually.
Sex therapy is sex-positive, empowering experience that provides a safe, confidential space for processing and exploring your sexuality. In addition to exploring the cognitive side of good sexual health, I also help my clients learn practical strategies for gaining confidence and enjoyment in sexual performance using therapeutic techniques that aid in feeling relaxed and being present in the moment.
I know that reaching out for sex therapy for the first time is often the hardest part! That's why I offer free 15-minute consultations to ensure that you feel comfortable and empowered before moving forward! Book your free consultation today!
I am a Latinx sex therapist specializing in several aspects of sexuality. If you've been looking for a BIPOC sex therapist in Tracy, California, I'm excited to help you explore all areas of sexuality in a compassionate, nonjudgmental space.
As a trained generalist, I base my therapeutic approach on many different models. This "eclectic" approach to sexual health and mental health enables me to help my clients explore their sexual concerns from a variety of angles instead of feeling they need to conform to a single therapeutic model that may not fit their needs. Using my approach to sexual health, wellness, and wholeness, we can explore your areas of concern related to sadness, worry, low sexual desire, sexual dysfunction, and relationship turmoil. During this journey, you'll have opportunities for:
I'm Excited to Take This Journey With You
● Discovering what love, sex, intimacy, and relationships actually mean to you.
● Discovering your own feelings of self-worth in relation to your sexuality.
● Exploring your desires and needs.
● Understanding how your views on sexuality and connection were shaped.
● Uncovering your sense of self-worth.
● Identifying your personal boundaries.
● Nurturing a positive attitude toward sex.
If I feel that you would benefit from an additional approach to sexual health that extends beyond what I can offer, I can recommend a pelvic-floor specialist, surrogate partner, or another type of specialist to help you move forward to a healthy, vibrant sense of sexual self. Issues of sexual dysfunction can often have a mix of emotional and physiological causes. By addressing all angles of your concerns, you can ensure that you're moving toward your goals of sexual health is the safest way possible!
How Do I Start Sex Therapy in Tracy, California or from anywhere in California?
I understand that seeing a new sex therapist for the first time can feel like a vulnerable experience. That's why I offer my clients an opportunity to book a free 15-minute consultation. Don't live with shame and confusion regarding your sexual experiences for another day! Book your free consultation with Liberate Via Therapy today!
Book your free 15-minute consultation today to start your journey toward sexual fulfillment!